Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Good products for dry hair?

I naturally have dark brown hair, but this summer I decided to go blonde just for fun. The first time I went in, they totally screwed up my hair with these weird orange highlights. When I went in for them to fix it, they went waaay overboard and bleached my whole head almost platinum blonde all in one session. I recently dyed it back, but needless to say it's totally fried. Does anyone know of a really good moisturizer for extremely dry hair? Also, I閳ユ獫e been advised not to use a curling iron, straightening iron or even blow dryer by my new hairdresser. This makes sense but sucks cuz my hair's texture is now sooo frizzy. Does anyone know a good way to smooth it/ style it without heat?

Good products for dry hair?

Ok basically its this...


Buy the shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner and mask...

It did wonders for my hair...

and they arent too expensive.. =)

Good products for dry hair?

I would use herbal essences.

Good products for dry hair?

Garnia in the green bottle has a really good smoothing and shining shampoo %26amp;cond. also have other good smoothing products as well.

Good products for dry hair?

hi im a hairdresser been doin it for nearly 3yeer now and u kan get a condition trwatment from any salon services or sally u kan apply this a few time a week bout 20mins before u was your hair.. few yeers ago i went all blonde and my hair was fried 2 and i got the condition treatment called osmo and it was amazin

Good products for dry hair?

I've always had what I considered coarse hair. To me it felt like a horse's tail. Recently a friend bought me the Sunsilk products. There is one for dry, frizz, volume and I believe there is one more. She bought the dry formula for me with shampoo, conditioner and a third leave in conditioner that can be put in towel dried or dry hair. My hair is much softer than it has ever been and I have tried alot of different products. About styling without heat I don't know except rollers and letting it dry naturally. Good luck

Good products for dry hair?

A really good product is VO5 conditioner. I use it all the time and it works!!!. There's different types, so get the one that says dry hair. I have dark brown hair too and I use hair glue to style my hair, so when my hair gets dry that's what I use and it works almost instantly.

Good products for dry hair?

it sounds weird, but I don't use shampoo anymore and my hair has been dyed a few times and bleach a few times w/ highlights as well and I straighten it every day and my hair is naturally very frizzy and curly because I have an african american like hair texture. But now that I don't use shampoo my hair is sooooo smooth and healthy and shiny. There are harmful detergents in shampoos that damage your hair even more. Doing things like a mayonnaise mask on your hair and frequent apple cider vinegar rinses do wonders.

Once you've been "no poo" for about two or three months your hair will begin to detox and if you let your hair dry w/o styling it what so ever for abotu a aweek or two, your curls will detox and become no frizzy at all. It really works.

Good products for dry hair?

basically any shampoo that says "moisture" on it will give you what you want.

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